How to unit test your own Components

It's quite possible that we need to define our own Components for further reuse. No waiting for embedding it into a real Page, we should unit test it as soon as possible.

Suppose we define a Component, GreetingPanel, like:

        Hello: <span wicket:id="name" >[name]</span>

public class GreetingPanel extends Panel {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private GreetingService gs;

        public GreetingPanel(String id) {
                add(new Label("name", gs.getName()));

We are able to test this Component by simply calling ws.openComponent, please see:

public class GreetingPanelTest {

        public void testOpenComponent() {
                final StringBuffer log = new StringBuffer();
                MockableGuiceBeanInjector.mockBean("gs", new GreetingService() {
                        public String getName() {
                                return "Peter";
                WicketSeleniumDriver ws = WebPageTestContext.getWicketSelenium();
                ws.openComponent(new ComponentFactory() {
                        public Component createComponent(String id) {
                                return new GreetingPanel(id);
                assert ws.getText("//name").equals("Peter");
                assert log.toString().equals("c");

By the way, you can specify how your Component is constructed in the implementation of the ComponnentFactory passed to ws.openComponent too. Thus, testing stateful Components is quite easy and straight forward.

The first step to unit test Bread Crumbs

Suppose we have a BreadCrumbPanel only displaying an 'Hello' message:

        <span id="info">Hello</span>

public class SimpleBreadCrumbPanel extends BreadCrumbPanel {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public SimpleBreadCrumbPanel(String id, IBreadCrumbModel breadCrumbModel) {
                super(id, breadCrumbModel);

        public String getTitle() {
                return "Simple";

We can test it like a general Component but just remember to simply construct it with a DefaultBreadCrumbsModel:

public class SimpleBreadCrumbPanelTest {
        public void testOpenBreadCrumbPanelLikeOtherComponent() {
                DefaultSelenium selenium = WebPageTestContext.getSelenium();
                WicketSelenium ws = new WicketSelenium(selenium);
                ws.openComponent(new ComponentFactory() {
                        public Component createComponent(String id) {
                                return new SimpleBreadCrumbPanel(id,
                                                new DefaultBreadCrumbsModel());
                assert selenium.getText("info").equals("Hello");
                boolean linkPresent = false;
                // there should be no crumb link by calling openComponent
                try {
                        linkPresent = true;
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                assert !linkPresent;

However, in this way, we find the corresponding crumb link will not be presented in the response. If we need to test the crumb link as well, for example, testing if the runtime generated text of the link is correct, we would better call ws.openBreadCrumbPanel instead. Please see:

public class SimpleBreadCrumbPanelTest {
        public void testOpenBreadCrumbPanel() {
                DefaultSelenium selenium = WebPageTestContext.getSelenium();
                WicketSelenium ws = new WicketSelenium(selenium);
                ws.openBreadCrumbPanel(new IBreadCrumbPanelFactory() {
                        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                        public BreadCrumbPanel create(String componentId,
                                        IBreadCrumbModel breadCrumbModel) {
                                return new SimpleBreadCrumbPanel(componentId, breadCrumbModel);
                assert selenium.getText("info").equals("Hello");
                String breadCrumbText = selenium.getText("wicket=//crumb//link");
                assert breadCrumbText.equals("Simple");

Testing navigations between BreadCrumbPanels

Sometimes you have a BreadCrumbPanel that passes some data to the next BreadCrumbPanel, e.g., this panel gets a product ID from the user and the next panel lets the user edit the product data. To test the first panel, you may create the product data panel and check if it is displaying the right data. But this delays the testing of the first work significantly. To test the first panel immediately, you can simply check if it's getting and passing the correct product ID. To do that, use an extra bean to perform bread crumb navigation:

        <form wicket:id="form">
                <input type="text" wicket:id="productID">
                <input type="submit" value="OK">

public class ProductIDPanel extends BreadCrumbPanel {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        private String productID;

        private BreadCrumbNavigator crumbNavigator;;

        public ProductIDPanel(String id, IBreadCrumbModel breadCrumbModel) {
                super(id, breadCrumbModel);
                Form<ProductIDPanel> form = new Form<ProductIDPanel>("form",
                                new CompoundPropertyModel<ProductIDPanel>(this)) {
                        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                        protected void onSubmit() {
                                                new IBreadCrumbPanelFactory() {
                                                        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                                                        public BreadCrumbPanel create(String componentId,
                                                                        IBreadCrumbModel breadCrumbModel) {
                                                                return new ProductDetailsPanel(componentId,
                                                                                breadCrumbModel, productID);
                form.add(new TextField<String>("productID"));

        public String getTitle() {
                return "Product ID";

To check the product ID, mock the BreadCrumbNavigator in your test case:

public class BreadCrumbNavigatorTest {
   public void testActiveCalledAndProvidingCorrectProductID() {
                final StringBuffer log = new StringBuffer();
                                new BreadCrumbNavigator() {
                                        public void removeLastParitcipant(BreadCrumbPanel from) {
                                                assert false;

                                        public void activate(BreadCrumbPanel from,
                                                        IBreadCrumbPanelFactory factory) {
                                                assert from instanceof ProductIDPanel;
                                                ProductDetailsPanel details = (ProductDetailsPanel) factory
                                                                .create("id", new DefaultBreadCrumbsModel());
                                                assert details.getProductID().equals("123");
                DefaultSelenium selenium = WebPageTestContext.getSelenium();
                WicketSelenium ws = new WicketSelenium(selenium);
                ws.openBreadCrumbPanel(new IBreadCrumbPanelFactory() {
                        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
                        public BreadCrumbPanel create(String componentId,
                                        IBreadCrumbModel breadCrumbModel) {
                                return new ProductIDPanel(componentId, breadCrumbModel);
                selenium.type("wicket=//productID", "123");
                assert log.toString().equals("a");

To really display the product details panel in production, you need to provide a real BreadCrumbNavigator. One such class is provided: DefaultBreadCrumbNavigator. Make sure you create a bean from this class. For example, in your Spring XML file:

        <bean class="com.ttdev.wicketpagetest.DefaultBreadCrumbNavigator">